Monday, January 17, 2011

They were white and they were slaves

The Forgotten Slaves: Whites in Servitude in Early America and Industrial Britain by Michael A. Hoffman, II is a very interesting read. This is information most people are unaware of but thanks to the internet is readily available today.

"When White servitude is acknowledged as having existed in America, it is almost always termed as temporary "indentured servitude" or part of the convict trade, which, after the Revolution of 1776, centered on Australia instead of America. The "convicts" transported to America under the 1723 Waltham Act, perhaps numbered 100,000."

This link is a brief synopsis of Hoffman's book. History can no longer be denied by the descendants of those who helped create it. White slavery still exists today in many forms. Can you spell t-a-x-e-s?

The following is a video documentary on white slavery in Europe:


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