Saturday, January 22, 2011

Touching the past at antiques show | The Columbian

Touching the past at antiques show | The Columbian

"Victor once valued a pair of old athletic shoes at $25,000. They happened to be an early pair of Nikes from the 1970s. Nike was establishing a museum at the time, and had just bought back a pair for $28,000. The ones Victor appraised lacked shoe laces, which knocked the price down a few thousand dollars."

If you just inherited grandma's estate you should NEVER throw anything out until after you've talked with an estate sale coordinator or at least someone who understands the market for collectibles. Even an old postcard could be worth hundreds of dollars. Just the other day 3 old pairs of athletic cleats that were headed for the dump fetched over $28 on eBay. It may not have been $25,000.00 like these Nikes but you never know what people will want or why they want it. With websites like eBay you can make a steady income, work from home, and clean out the clutter all at the same time. Heck, you can even help grandma clean out her clutter before she passes on so she can enjoy a little added income as well.

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