Brrrrrrrrrrrr! It sure is cold outside today. When that nor'easter blew in yesterday this ol' attic wench was scramblin' around the attic tryin' to plug the broken windows with whatever I could find up here. At first the closest thing at hand was great-auntie's old wedding dress inside a plastic bag, just layin' there on top of a cardboard box full of 1940's newspapers. I could here her voice telling me, "Go ahead, dearie, the dress never did me much good since the ol' fool I married ran off with the local town hussy and left me and the kids to fend for ourselves." Still, I thought better of it and managed to find a dome top trunk containing some old sheets and linens so I used those instead.
I hear tell that after great-auntie's ex ran off he eventually joined the Army but he was wounded in the left butt cheek and broke his left leg so he was discharged soon after. He wasn't any hero since the rest of the story that great-auntie told goes something like this: Her ex was home on leave corousing with his hussy girlfriend when the two of them decided to raid old man Tinkerton's barn lookin' for liquour. After they jumped the fence onto Tinkerton's property great-auntie's ex met face to face with one of the meanest and ornery lookin' bulls you ever laid eyes on. When great-auntie's ex tried out runnin' that old cuss of a bull he slipped and fell. The bull took great-auntie's ex right in the left backside with its horn, just like stickin' a fork in a marshmallow. After that the bull tromped his leg but somehow great-auntie's ex managed to crawl back out of the pasture and he and his hussy friend hightailed it to the nearest doctor. Great-auntie said for years after, that man walked with a gimp that was like watchin' a colt trying to stand on the first day it was born, all wobbly like.
Well, the old sheets stuffed in the broken windows are keepin' the snow out just fine. Time to mosey on downstairs to the kitchen and make a nice hot cup of cocoa. I can smell the stew simmerin' on the wood stove from up here. Smells real good. Next time I get up here to the attic I think I'll take a peek inside that old photo album I found in the bottom of the linen trunk. For now I'll just lay it aside and head on down to the kitchen for some warm vittles.